Enabling Change

Digital engagement solutions that embed & sustain change, promote desired behaviours, and boost business results. Fresh approaches to connecting, working, learning and living.

Where do we help?

Looking for better ways to connect and communicate with your people – employees, customers or wider audiences?

Customer Engagement & Loyalty

Influencing consumer behaviours, improving customer experience and business results, nurturing loyalty and advocacy, retaining and acquiring customers.


Brands today are constantly fighting for consumer attention, relevance and profitability in an era of constant change, connectivity and competitive challenge. Customer Engagement strategies need to maximise retention, advocacy and spend amongst existing members, whilst attracting new customers.

Successful Loyalty programmes need to grow beyond using points as an incentive to share data and a reward for spending more, towards using data and insight to drive truly customer-first experiences, relevant communications and ultimately, value.

We provide creative solutions that build emotional bonds with customers through relevant, personalised, omnichannel experiences. We not only respond to your immediate needs, but can also shape solutions for your future functional requirements and innovation.

Employee & Partner Engagement

Effective candidate attraction and recruitment, exciting approaches to onboarding, supporting employee development, improving performance and reducing attrition.


Sustaining employee motivation and engagement continues to be one of the biggest challenges facing organisations. Numerous studies show how a lack of engagement affects performance and therefore overall business results.

We can help you create the right environment to encourage people to want to join, belong, learn, contribute, perform and commit. Our solutions are built specifically to your needs and requirements – to inspire your people in their every day work and processes and engage them in organisational objectives.

Education, Learning & Development

Stimulating commitment to a process or path, sustaining interest, ensuring knowledge retention, supporting initiatives in classroom or corporate environments.


Organisations are continually looking for ways to improve the development of their people. Understanding the different needs of learners and using creative techniques such as gamification can create a significant difference. Studies show that 67% of students find gamified courses or learning paths more motivating than traditional approaches.

Play is core to how we learn from an early age, so it makes sense that we should try to embed it through game based and gamified learning when we design solutions. This can be as simple as adding feedback mechanics to a programme all the way up to full narrative driven, graphically rich game like experiences and simulations.

Making the training material relevant, enjoyable and memorable, is key to stimulating the motivation to learn.

Civic & Community Engagement

Encouraging healthy habits, improving care, mobilising citizen participation, promoting community causes, increasing environmental awareness, and using public services.


We are in an age of 24/7 news coverage, awareness, scrutiny, and pressure. Many of us know we want to do more to support for the world around us or participate more actively in society. Many of us just want to feel healthier or encourage the people around us to take more care. Whether quitting smoking, reducing our carbon footprint, or feeling as though our voice is heard in local issues – a little help and the right tools can go a long way. Many don’t know where to begin.
At Motivait we use our expertise in psychology, technology and user experience to provide solutions that help engage people in issues, causes or practices, and ensure sustained behaviour change.

Alumni, Volunteers, Members & Supporters

Stimulating participation, building relationships, encouraging feedback and philanthropy, improving communication, nurturing the desire to be part of an initiative.


Being a member of a university group, football club, or supporter of a charity often relates back to common interests and concerns, shared experiences and objectives, or the desire to be part of an initiative with which we identify and value. However, with distractions, responsibilities and priorities competing for people’s attention and money, sometimes a shared cause or experience alone isn’t enough to sustain engagement. Charities must build awareness to attract volunteers and donations, alumni groups struggle to keep emotional links alive over time, clubs fight to satisfy members in good times and bad.

We believe the solutions to these challenges focus more on leveraging the pre-existing emotional connection, capturing hearts and minds and sustaining that bond. Approaches directed towards creating value for the individual, but that work to unite communities towards the same, shared objectives of driving awareness and commitment, boosting participation, and enhancing collaboration.

Examples of our work

Solutions that achieve behavioural change, improve perceptions and experiences, and nurture more meaningful connections.


A powerful and reliable multi-brand Customer Engagement & Loyalty platform.

View Case Study


Creating a brighter future for all through food, farming and countryside education

View Case Study


Bringing Academic and Professional Skills to life through Digital Engagement

View Case Study

Why Engagement Matters



Disengaged employees cost companies $450 billion to $550 billion per year in lost productivity



Highly engaged business units achieve a 10% increase in customer ratings and a 20% increase in sales



Teams who score in the top 20% in engagement realise a 41% reduction in absenteeism, and 59% less turnover



Found gamified learning more engaging than standard training


“An emotional or psychological attachment to a brand, product, idea or organisation”



A loyalty increase of 7% can boost lifetime profits per customer by as much as 85%

Working with us

Our process always starts by understanding what our client and their people
need our help with.

Understanding & Identifying Your Needs

You tell us your situation, your challenges, your project requirements.

Number one

Bespoke Project Specifications

Behavioural science techniques, user journeys, game mechanics, effective strategies & structures to enable change & encourage continued use.

Number one

Designing to Inspire and Innovate

Storylines, narratives, visuals aligned to your objectives, organisational culture and the attitudes of the users

Number one

Customising Solutions to Your Environment

Adapted to integrate with your existing systems and technological needs

Number one

Tested to Ensure Adoption

We can evaluate and fine tune the design through a Proof of Concept or Pilot including concept simulation and user testing

Number one

Implementing, Operating and Supporting

And then your Engagement Solution goes live! Ready to capture hearts and minds.

Number one

Reviewing and Adjusting

While we continuously review its performance and assess opportunities to adjust and optimize for ongoing project success.

Number one

Insight & Analytics

As your solution evolves, you’ll receive insight into behaviour, engagement indicators and opportunity areas for continuous improvement.

Number one

Start a conversation

“Hey, I’m Daniela and I’m a Senior Client Support & Operations Engineer at Motivait! Want to learn more about anything you’ve seen so far?”

According to the new data protection legislation (General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679) we inform you that we will always collect your data with your consent and only to answer your query and that we will save your data a maximum of six months unless you become a customer. We also inform you that you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation and portability at dpo@motivait.net For more information, please consult our privacy policy.

What do our clients say?

Newcastle University Business School

“It has been an enjoyable and rewarding experience to work with the team at Motivait who deliver a wonderful combination of professionalism and approachability. They have been efficient and timely in their response, demonstrating great creativity and problem solving to design and deliver a bespoke educational platform for our students. We look forward to further developing our relationship with Motivait as our needs evolve and develop.”

Dr. Angela Mazzetti, Senior Lecturer in Management Practice & Degree Programme Director


“For a company like Tendam, it’s essential to work with a very reliable, scalable and robust solution that is capable of giving us an excellent service for the millions of customers who interact with us daily. We are convinced that we have a solution and a technological partner relationship that supports our vision, brands and initiatives”

Rocio Cantero – Department of Organisation and Systems Project Manager


UK Offices

The Core 5.22
Newcastle Helix
Bath Lane
Newcastle upon Tyne
+44 191 495 7340

Spain Offices

Av. de Bruselas, 13
Ed. América
28108 Alcobendas
+34 91 425 86 57


Certificados IS 723258